Sunday, 29 November 2009

Last night I fancied a little wank...

Last night I fancied a little wank before I went to sleep. I had intended to use my key ring vibrator, a nifty little tool that is discreet, slips easily into the vag, is ideal for non-demanding self abuse but powerful enough to provide a satisfactory climax. I was planning on going to sleep with it inside me, easily done as its chain prevents any chance of it disappearing into the depths. But woe is me! Its battery was flat and I didn't have any others of the right size. I had to break out old faithful, a bog standard cream-coloured 6 inch ribbed job which is probably remarkably similar to most women's first encounter with any vibrator. (It certainly was mine - my first-ever vibrator was a smaller version of the same model, given to me as a joke on my 17th birthday. Joke it may have been, but it certainly saw intensive use.)

As I really wanted a sleepy kind of climax, I lay down on my side with old faithful between my legs, gently moving it up and down my flaps and occasionally plunging it down into my cunny. Of course, then I got more into it, turned onto my back and let my fingers do the talking. I thought briefly about popping a finger up my arse, but decided against it - it usually wakes me up too much to let me sleep for a couple of hours afterwards. So old faithful stayed in the place it knows best, pumping rhythmically in and out of my cunny, until my finger on my clit brought me to a climax.

1 comment:

  1. mmm such feline sensuality:)

    I tried a 'boy's toy' for a while but it was so very intense - almost unbearably intense - I worried it might change my responses and so out it went. reading your blog is a delightful alternative:)
